Very Serious

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dead Meadow: for the loud at heart.

Solid hard rock has gone missing. In part, I understand – there is an unfortunate stigma revolved around a lot of psyche and grunge rock these days (which I believe radio is to blame for), and with the rise of incredibly hyped dub and electronic fads of the past few years, it is easy to sweep more classic, melodious guitar drones and richer rock bass and drums under the rug. Sometimes, though, I do really worry that a lot of us have lost appreciation for – in the simplest of terms – good, hard rock. My current favorite is D.C. originated band Dead Meadow.

I’d classify this band as more of a bluesy, psychedelic breed, with some of the most beautiful distortions I’ve heard since my front row Sonic Youth experience. Their self-title debut album is dynamic, sassy as hell, and honestly feels like a blunt to the face (totally serious). Turn up Sleepy Silver Door in your headphones and close your eyes. I’m so addicted to the crazy cymbals and bass bubbles that make the hypnotizing guitars feel like they’re crawling down my spine. Indian Bones and Rocky Mountain High are lovely follow-ups, full of boiling energy and stunning, sweaty sex – picture a White Stripes/70’s Stooges lovechild. Dragonfly and Beyond the Fields We Know are a slower set, but some of the romantic songs of their kind. I won’t talk too much about Feathers, the bands fifth album, because it’s my least favorite (although still unbelievable as a whole) – much less hard and head-nod-able, but don’t get it twisted, kids – Heaven and Let It All Pass are tracks off this record that I could listen to until my ears bleed.

Old Growth is their newest album and an absolute joy. Beautifully written and excessively fun. Enjoy.

Dead Meadow - Sleepy Silver Door by maraton

Rocky Mountain High by Dead Meadow

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